Wednesday, April 21, 2010

le ballon lapin jaune

So I went to the city a while back.
I was very happy because Phineas was there!
Well, I really wanted to get a yellow bunny balloon, but of course you can't pick which you get so I just said "bunny balloon".
And I got it! :)
Thank you Phineas!

Casa de Enna

Hip hip hooray!
Yay! I love having all that space.
Tom Nook was also very happy.
Then he proceeded to give me a little advice.
Uh... okay. Not that anyone really works in Animal Crossing in the first place....

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Yay and Welcome

Yay! My SD card works again, so let the blogging continue!
So on that note,
welcome to Êleduin Drake!
I hope you love it here!
Because after all,
"There's no place like home."

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Okay, I have lots to tell you guys, but my computer won't read my SD card with all my pictures on it! (That ain't good.) So I'll have to tell you later.
But in the mean time, I will tell you that I joined ACC (animal crossing comunity) and love it! It's the awesomest thing since sliced bread! :D Also I am writing a a fanfiction story called, The Adventures of Fashion Lad! It's on ACC, and I might post it here too, if my SD card keeps misbehavin'. Hmmm, I think that's all, hopefully I will have pictures to show you soon!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

A Big Mess

Well I told you all last time about how I was trying to make my town perfect right?
Okay here's some of the after math of chop-mainia!
All kinds of fruit everywhere.
Crazy colored patterns all over the place.
I'm running out of places to store all this fruit, so now I have a "fruit room" in my house!
Ah! What have I gotten myself into!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

A Fish, A Phonebox, And K.K. ....

...needless to say today was very eventful!
First off I did some fishing for the fishing tourney.
Then when my Sea Bass got the lead things became a little hairy between Poncho and myself:
"Pencilneck! I will pwn you! You see this, this is my pwn-ing outfit!! Get ready to be schooled little bear!"
And guess what?
I won!
I think now I will bring Poncho some cookies, and we'll make up. :)
And guess what happened after winning the fishing tourney?
My new neighbor Violet asked me if I wanted to trade and guess what she gave me?
Only, it's not a police box.
And it's not blue.
And there is no cute british guy anywhere in sight.
Okay so it's not really like the Tardis, but it's close enough for me! :D
(For all who do not know, the Tardis is a spaceship from the Sci-Fi show called "Dr. Who".)
Then, I went and payed a visit to my favorite character in the whole game.
K.K. Slider!
He said he had the perfect song for me.
I love that one. :)
Gosh I can't wait until next Saturday.
Well after a really busy lovely day, I am ready to hit the sack.
See you tomorrow everyone!

Fishing Tourney

Don't forget, today is the fishing tourney!
Ready, set, fish!

Welcome Violet

So yesterday Violet moved into my town!
Welcome Violet.
And my Mum sent me a letter and a gift of 1,000 bells!
Thanks mum!
I also went to the city and got my first emotion from the theatre. Now I can be mischievous!

Friday, April 9, 2010

K.K. Music

Yay! I found out how to listen to K.K. music on the computer with help from Cole! Thanks Cole!
Now I can rock out to the K.K. where ever I am!
(You want to listen too? Here the link.)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

My Animal Crossing Wild World life

Okay, here I am!
Enna, from Ansvile.
I really love ACWW.
But I have been away for a really long time!
Sorry for the poor screenshot quality, these are my first ever! :)
Well, I am on the road to the perfect town with Ansvile. I started by chopping all the fruit trees down and laying out a grid. My town looks totally crazy right now, with all the brightly colored squares, and fruit lying everywhere! Ah well.
~Heather (aka Enna)
P.S. I put up a new page with my friend codes. If you'd like to meet up please send me an email or leave a comment on my blog! =)

Welcome Curly

A new neighbor moved into Êleduin today!
Welcome Curly. His birthday is July 26th, which makes him a Leo.
I know Curly from ACWW, I'm happy he's come to visit me in CF!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

This Afternoon

I also went to the city today. Phineas wasn't there. (awww.)
But I did change my look.
I look so sunny with my new blonde do, and my orange sandals!
And guess who moved into Êleduin today?
His birthday is July 22nd. Which makes him a Cancer.
And you know what else? I went back and started working on my Animal Crossing Wild World (DS) town. Yep, I am attempting to make it a perfect town. We'll see.

This Morning

Last night I payed off my debt to Tom Nook!
So this morning when I got on, my house was nice and big!
The price tag on that is 120,000 bells. Ouch!
(Oh yeah, I also started making a path in my town, because if you don't all the grass can wear away. But mostly I was inspired by this town which I think is really beautiful.)
Pascal came over for a visit, and gave me some advice:
But then the cool part is you get to watch him float down stream.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

First Day Part 4: Meeting the Other Citizens

So this is the last part in my "First Day" series, I went through the town and meet all the shop keepers and other citizens, and that really means the people who work in Êleduin. Apparently no one likes to work in Animal Crossing. Anyway, I said hello to the Able sisters.
Sable won't be very friendly until I take the time to say hello to her every day for a few weeks. But if you do she'll tell you some secrets!
Then Mr. Ressetti popped by.
I do not like him.
I have had... experiances with him before.
But he was just reminding me always to save.
Then visited Blathers.
I really like Blathers, he is very funny, and who doesn't like an owl with a bowtie!
Saharah was in town today so I talked to her.
She was collecting wallpaper, but none of my neighbors had any, so no cool wallpaper for me.
She'll be back soon though! So I can try again.
I guess that about wraps it up. I wonder what tomorrow will bring?

First Day Part 3: Working for Nook

Next comes the most dreaded part of Animal Crossing...
working for Tom Nook.
He's a crafty racoon, who has you do some dirty work for him.
Okay I'm way overstating it, but he's so annoying!
Anyway, here I am wearing the awful uniform.
(hehe, best picture ever!)
Then I made a delivery, and Poncho asked me for my birthday.
Then Mr. Nook had me write a letter to my neighbor Sydney.
He was pleased with how well I did. :)
But enough of that, more work!
Another delivery.
Then I had to post something on the bulletin board for Nook.
Here's what I came up with.
Then finally I was done!!!

First Day Part 2: Meet the Neighbors

So one of the first things you always do in Animal Crossing is meet your neighbors.
Here is the current population of Êleduin:
Bella (b-day December 28th) Capricorn
Lobo (b-day November 5th) Scorpio
Biskit (b-day May 13th) Taurus
Sydney (b-day June 21st) Cancer
Poncho (b-day January 2nd) Capricorn
Mallary (b-day November 17th) Scorpio
I'm really excited to get to know everyone! :)

First Day Part 1: Êleduin

Welcome to Êleduin!
This is my house.
I love the sunny yellow roof!
Here's the town map.
As you can see I live right next to the Êleduin.
I've never lived by the river before.