Friday, September 17, 2010

Fashion Lad Friday: Chapter 1

A while back I wrote a fan fiction about animal crossing! I posted it on ACC but that was ages ago, so the thread got deleted. So here I am going to start it up again. Every Friday there will be a chapter! Ready? Here goes...

The Adventures of Fashion Lad
An Animal Crossing Fan fiction
by Heather


Once upon a time there was a town, it was like any ordinary town. It had a town hall and a museum and a couple of shops, and all the animals lived there happily. But in this town, there was a secret. In this town there was an animal like no other, an animal with special powers, working to defend the world. They call him Fashion Lad!


Walker was sleeping. He was dreaming about cake, and cookies, and pie. He was just about to take a piece of pecan pie from a rainbow colored raccoon when a loud beeping woke him up. His alarm clock continued beeping. Walker reached over and tried hit the snooze button, but then the radio blared on. “Good morning animals! It’s another beautiful day today, and to help you get that day started right we are going to play you one of our favorite songs! K.K. Metal!” The loud music blared from the alarm clock radio, and Walker tried frantically to turn it off. Soon he found the right button and there was silence.

Walker sighed. This morning isn’t getting off to a good start, he thought. He got up, pulled on his favorite 67 shirt, and walked out the door of his house. Breakfast at the roost will make things right, he thought to himself. He walked through the sleepy town, all the animals were still waking up. He walked by Octavian’s house, Octavian was just poking his head out the door. “Good morning,” called Walker. “Humph,” said Octavian and slammed the door. He walked up the museum and Curly jogged by. “Good morning!” called Curly, “Great day for some jazzercise!” “Uh-huh,” replied Walker as Curly trotted off. “No way am I doing jazzercise!” said Walker to himself.

He walked into the museum where Blathers was drifting off. He crept by him and went down the stairs to the roost. The smell of strong coffee perked him up at once. “What will it be?” asked Brewster. “One coffee please,” said Walker, feeling a bit more chipper now. Brewster poured the coffee into a cup and slid it down the counter to Walker. “Drink up.” “Thanks!” Walker started to sip his coffee just then Pelly and Pete walked in. They were talking to each other but stopped when they noticed Walker. Pelly motioned to Pete that she would take a seat over in the corner. Pete walked up to the counter, “Two coffee’s please.” “Coming right up,” said Brewster. He poured out two cups, and Pete picked them up and went to join Pelly. Walker continued to sip his coffee, and Pelly started to giggle in the corner when Walker’s best friend Filbert walked in.

“Morning Filbert!” “Good morning Walker!” piped Filbert, as he sat down at the counter next to him. “What’ll ya have?” asked Brewster. “One coffee please!” “One java coming right up.” “Thanks.” Filbert started to sip his coffee too, just then Brewster leaned over the counter and said, “Walker, Filbert. There’s something we need to discus.” “Oh like what Brewster?” asked Walker. “If it’s about my tab, I’ll promise I will get it to you tomorrow, I’m waiting on the turnips,” said Filbert. “No, no. It’s about your assignment,” Brewster said, in a low whisper. “Oh!” said Filbert, “You mean an assignment for Fashion Lad and his trusty sidekick Style Boy?” “SHHHH! Not so loud!” cried Brewster, “Do you want to blow your cover?” “Sorry.” “What’s the assignment Chief?” asked Walker. Brewster looked nervously at the corner where Pelly and Pete where sitting. Just then Pete said loudly, “Well we better get to work or Tortimer will kill us!” Pelly looked started as she glanced at the clock on the wall, “Mercy! Is that the time?” “Have a good day.” Pete called to the trio at the counter, as he and Pelly walked out of the Roost.

The three animals watched them leave then Brewster said cautiously, “Fashion Lad, I have your assignment. But it won’t be easy.” “I’m in,” said Walker. “What about you Style Boy?” “Count me in too,” said Filbert. “All right then, your assignment is…”

The next installment of The Adventures of Fashion Lad will be coming up next Friday.


  1. Ooooh yay fan fiction! I LOL'ed when Curly was going on about jazzercise! He would totally do that, cuz he's H-core! Heheh I used to have Curly in my town, he's funny. :P Can't wait to read more about Fashion Lad!

  2. @glux: Hehe. I'm so glad you like it! :D It's always nice to know other people find your writing as funny as you do. :P
